Bitrus was created contemplating the user experience, thus the connection between the exchange and its own coin offers several benefits for all Bitrusers.
As an exchange, Bitrus is a friendly, effective and safe exchange with intuitive interfaces. Once before, when we were only crypto users, we encountered problems with crypto trading platforms. Now we have developed a platform that solves user’s common troubles and brings quality analysis, no matter what your knowledge of the crypto world is, thus offering an efficient and congenial multilingual customer service and above all, letting you be part of an interactive community.
As a coin, Bitrus (BTRS) offers a strategic way to improve trading transactions, paying part of the fees and saving up to 50%. Also, Bitrus value will increase due to a dynamic mathematical strategy conceived to benefit holders.
Bitrus was created contemplating the user experience, thus the connection between the exchange and its own coin offers several benefits for all Bitrusers.